What is coaching and how does it differ from talk therapy?
Coaching differs from therapy in a few very important ways. One, mental health therapy addresses mental health diagnosis that are impairing daily functioning. Typically, the goal for the therapy is a reduction in symptoms and an increase in ability to function. In therapy the diagnosis drives the treatment planning process.
Coaching can be have a variety of a goal driven directive that improve the quality of life , reduces stress and provides assistance in meeting personal and professional goals unrelated to a mental health diagnosis, though sometimes they can overlap and that’s ok too. Individuals that might be more appropriate for coaching may be dealing with:
- Issues with self-worth and esteem
- life or career transitions
- Dissatisfaction with current life circumstances
- Difficulty reaching goals independently
- Feeling stuck personally or professionally
- Uncertainty in romantic relationships
- Other interpersonal difficulties
What can I expect in a coaching session?
I am here to help you with the insight and clarity to experience the fulfillment you are looking for. You can bring any topic that is important to you. My coaching will help you understand the barriers and limitations that you may not be aware of and what’s going on inside of you. You are a capable problem solver, and the solutions will become clear as we work together to unravel the complexities that are keeping you from reaching your goals and being who you were meant to be.
Why a coaching package?
The more time we have together the better I can understand you and where you are coming from. When I have a good understanding of the person in front of me, I know what questions to ask that truly create the spark needed to get you where you need to go and am right there waiting for you if you stumble or encounter an unexpected obstacle. Since this is an investment in you I want to make it affordable so my packages save money compared to individual sessions only.

Individual Coaching Session $100
Let me understand what goals you have and how I can help you get there. Together we can learn what is getting in the way and develop an attainable plan to put you on your path to a fulfilling life. This can be one single session or ongoing. With individual coaching sessions you are able to connect with me via e-mail at no additional cost, one time per week for 30 days from your last session. I’ll give you a thoughtful and thought-provoking response and if needed, we schedule another session to boost the progress.
Coaching Package - 8 Sessions $700
With a coaching package we can set very specific targets that I get to help you monitor. Along the way I can help you understand what is going on inside of you that may be slowing you down. Once we untangle those obstacles, I can be your accountability buddy as I continue to assist you in your own clarity and insight for a fulfilling life. With the package you can e-mail me throughout our time together and I will respond to at least two emails per week; with a thoughtful and thought-provoking response.
Get Started Today
E: carmen@ccroucherservices.com
P: 619-786-7187